Lore Boys
Fake History is the Best History
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It all began in 2017
The Lore Boys started as an idea over a round of beers on a sticky table at a local microbrewery in Montreal. Ethan brought the brains, Pete the looks, and James rounded us off with the charm.
The boys have been plumbing the depths of obscure sourcebooks, long-winded audiobooks, convoluted in-game item descriptions, and the occasional dash of wikipedia to bring out the stories and worldbuilding that exist on the periphery of the media we all love.
From the Argonian swamps of Elder Scrolls to the fall of Valyria in Game of Thrones, from the ancient fossils of Pokemon to mommy fingers in Elden Ring, even from the brutal and bleak grimdark of Warhammer to the goofiness of Glover, the Lore Boys spend their time asking the hard questions about the media franchises we grew up on and continue to enjoy.
We hope you enjoy our storytelling and alt-comedy just as much.

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Catch James on Twitch!
Tuesday and Thursday check out James’ Stream!
He’s pretty good, watch it. Just do it.

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